Boost your productivity
Free Tailwind Tools and Generators.
Make your life easier and boost your web development workflow with our collection of free Tailwind tools and generators.
Color Palette
A handy tool to easily preview all Tailwind CSS colors and copy their values (hex, rgb, hsl) or their class names to your clipboard.
Button Builder
A useful tool to easily generate on the fly and copy various Tailwind CSS buttons to your clipboard.
Heroicons v2
The new version of the popular SVG icon library comes with 1288 icons. Easily search and copy over your favorite icons.
Heroicons v1
The first version of the popular SVG icon set includes 448 icons. Our handly icon finder will help you easily search and copy any of them.
Bootstrap Icons
The popular Bootstrap framework has its own SVG icon collection and includes 2050 icons. Easily search and copy and ot them.
Stay tuned, more are coming!
We are working on some really cool tools that will help you boost your dev workflow.

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